Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Man walking down middle of snow covered city street

    Weather and the Law?

    This time of year there tends to be a lot of talk about weather. Students and faculty and librarians talk about how cold it is or how much snow we are having or how cold it is AND how much snow we are

  • I voted stickers

    What is the Electoral College?

    Welcome to a US Presidential Election Year! Between now and November 3rd we will hear some words and phrases repeated over and over like “Electoral College” and “grassroots campaign” and

  • Person reading a newspaper

    Current Events and Current Awareness

    As an attorney, an important skill or practice is staying abreast of legal and non-legal trends, news, and current events. It is critical to be aware of changes in the law, new ways in which laws are

  • Wind turbine in front of a sunrise

    Renewable Energy? I’m a big FAN!

    Did you know that wind energy provides over 20% of the electricity in some states? The National Park Service website briefly describes the process by which this energy is made as, “onshore wind

  • Street Sign with text: Next BIG THING

    Welcome Back!

    It is a new year and a new decade, at least according to some, but the library is still here to help you with your study and research needs. Some highlights of what’s coming this semester: Classes for

  • Snow flakes up close


    The holiday season is upon us again! This year, instead of focusing on solely on Christmas, we want to share some holiday traditions that take place throughout the world. Let’s start in Europe! In

  • School bus in front of palm trees with #Never Stress written on back door

    Remembering to Take a Breath!

    While this season is generally associated with gratitude and peace, around law schools this time of year is associated with stress and exams. It can be a difficult time for law students and those that

  • Stack of books next to white paper pad and pen

    Exam Time Reminders!

    Once again, exam time is right around the corner. Be sure to caffeinate, meditate, and be polite to your fellow students! While studying in the library, please remember that sound travels across the

  • White Converse Athletic Shoes

    Researching Companies

    RWU Law students have access to a wealth of legal and non-legal resources. Because RWU is home to the AACSB International-accredited Mario J. Gabelli School of Business, law students have access to a

  • Cranberries in pie crust

    Thanksgiving & the Law

    One of the library staff’s favorite holiday pastimes is finding the nexus between law and the holidays. While there are several ways that Thanksgiving is related to law, the one we are choosing to