Library Blog

The weekly library blog contains news, research resources, and information about library events. To view archived copies of library newsletters and blogs from 1996 to present, visit Docs@RWU.

  • Plankowner

    Remembering and Preserving Our RWU Law Roots

    The Law School along with the Law Library opened its doors 25 years ago this past August. One hundred and eighty-five brave souls began their study of the law in a new building still being organized

  • Open book with highlighter

    Study Aids at the Library!

    Study Aids at the Library! As mid-terms are quickly approaching, many of you may be in search of study aids. Fear not! The Law Library has a plethora of study aids options. E-Study Aids The Law

  • Standing desk with laptop on it.

    Rock, Walk, or Stand for Better Studying (and Health)

    The bad news is that “ it’s commonly understood that sitting for prolonged periods comes with a host of negative health effects .” However, the good news is that there are many alternatives to sitting

  • Professionals shaking hands

    Professional Identity Formation: A Book Display

    Professional identity has been defined as “the way a lawyer understands his or her role relative to all of the stakeholders in the legal system, including clients, courts, opposing parties and counsel

  • Pair of glasses on a pad of paper

    Directed Research Help Available Now!

    If you are writing your directed research paper this semester, remember the library. The library has resources for the brainstorming (topic selection) and research phases (topic development) of the

  • ResearchFest

    ResearchFest: Because Knowledge IS Power!

    ResearchFest: Because Knowledge IS Power! Although students learn about Lexis and Westlaw in Legal Practice courses, a variety of specialized tools in those systems and other digital resources can

  • Welcome sign

    Welcome (Back)!

    The RWU Law Library staff e xtends a warm welcome to our incoming 1Ls and returning 2Ls and 3Ls. Our collection and services are here to complement and advance the scholarship, practice skills

  • Man looking through magnifying glass

    Basics of Boolean for Legal Research

    Sometimes when the law librarians mention Boolean searching in legal research classes they get confused and scared looks. If they rephrase it and say terms and connectors searching they get some

  • People jumping

    Jump Start Your Law School Studies

    Merriam-Webster dictionary says that “jump start” means to bring fresh or renewed energy to something. That is a great way of thinking about the start (or return) to school! As summer is winding down